To contact newsletter editor or submit articles for the newsletter, click the button below.
Newsletter Advertising:
Rates are based on one month's issue. Ads must be prepaid and received by the Editor by the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Full Page: $50.00
Half Page: $25.00
Quarter Page: $12.50
Eighth Page: $5.00
Full page ad available for single month only.
Make checks out to Riverwalk Quilters Guild and mail to the following address:
PO Box 5092 Naperville, IL 60567
Full Page: $50.00
Half Page: $25.00
Quarter Page: $12.50
Eighth Page: $5.00
Full page ad available for single month only.
Make checks out to Riverwalk Quilters Guild and mail to the following address:
PO Box 5092 Naperville, IL 60567