To contact newsletter editor or submit articles for the newsletter, click the button below.
Rates are based on one month's issue. Ads must be prepaid and received by the Editor by the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Full Page: $50.00
Half Page: $25.00
Quarter Page: $12.50
Eighth Page: $5.00
Full page ad available for single month only.
Make checks out to Riverwalk Quilters Guild and mail to the following address:
PO Box 5092 Naperville, IL 60567
Full Page: $50.00
Half Page: $25.00
Quarter Page: $12.50
Eighth Page: $5.00
Full page ad available for single month only.
Make checks out to Riverwalk Quilters Guild and mail to the following address:
PO Box 5092 Naperville, IL 60567